So… I’m trying something new

I know all 5 of my eager readers (hi, mom!) were really excited for “Astrophotography part 2,” and I’ve left you hanging for months now. Unfortunately, I’m still going to keep you hanging. (I know, you’re so disappointed.)

For almost a year now, I’ve been trying to sell my landscape photography at farmers markets and art shows around the area. And, unfortunately, I’m just not making any money doing that. I’ve posted on social media - not the most consistently, but I have a presence there - I’ve hung my art in coffee shops, and I’ve handed out So. Many. Business Cards. And it’s not working.

But photography is my passion. I want to keep doing it, and I want to make money doing something that I love.

So, I’m trying something new.

After years of saying that I don’t take pictures of people… I’m going to start taking pictures of people. I’m opening up my website to book adventure engagements and elopements. As a bonus, I’m also offering officiant services, if you’d like to get married on top of a mountain.

Because my portfolio of people is very small right now, I’m running a super special deal for anyone that books with me by the end of this month (February): 50% off any couples or elopement package or 33% off any portrait session.

I hope to hear from you soon about your latest adventure, and I’ll see you on the mountains :)


Rainier adventure - or an odd case of serendipity


Astrophotography part 1: Taking photos